Key Steps To Effective Digital Marketing

Ever wondered what the key steps to effective digital marketing are?

You offer the perfect product or service, and now you just need one last thing to make your business a success – customers. So how do you find people who will buy what you offer? How do you make them come to you instead of your competitors? The simple answer to that, is digital marketing.

Marketing has evolved. Where paid ad space once took place in a newspaper, it now takes place on the front page of Google. Where networking was once a physical meetup, it’s now the hashtags or keywords you use online.

If these things sound foreign to you, don’t worry, today we’ll be covering the 3 keys to digital marketing:

Web Design

Web design is one of the most important parts of online marketing. You will be funnelling potential customers to your website, so you need to think carefully about the impression you want to give to them.

When someone lands on your website, you have a very small window to impress them. Remember that a typical customer will spend less than 15 seconds on your site, and your goal is to give them a reason to stay longer.

Your website is one of the first tastes a customer will get of your brand. They want to get a feel for what you offer, but they also want a feel of who you are. What are your values? What do you offer that competitors don’t? Have a page that tells a story, identify what sets you apart and lean on it.

Aside from the content you have on your website, the site itself also plays a large part in customer retention. Have you ever clicked on a site that’s taken so long to load that you’ve clicked out? Over 40% of customers will leave any website that takes longer than 3 seconds to load. This means that for maximum discovery and customer retention, you need to make sure your site is lightning fast, visually appealing, and easy to navigate.

Web Design image for Web Design Blog


SEO (or Search Engine Optimisation) is a cornerstone of digital marketing.

Exactly as the name suggests, SEO is the process of optimising content for a search engine to pick up. Whatever service or product you offer, you want to be the first option that shows up when someone searches for that product or service.

The key element of SEO is identifying what your target market is searching for, and making sure your content includes it. You can do this by using the keywords people are searching for on your website, in your business name or on social media, anywhere you or your target market has a presence.

Although it’s important to ensure your content uses keywords, it’s equally important to make sure you’re not ‘overstuffing’ your content with keywords. Only use keywords that are directly relevant to your business, and don’t try and force them where they don’t naturally flow. Remember that ease of reading trumps keyword density every time, a keyword rich piece of content is no good to you if it’s frustrating or unreadable to customers.

Digital Marketing

Half the battle of digital marketing is getting your business in front of the right people. To get the best results for your ads, make sure you know who your target audience is, where they spend their time and what they are searching for. 

Once you’ve established where your target market is, you need to create content that will capture their attention, and that will stand out among your competitors. Use something visually striking, and pair it with keywords your target audience is using.

Remember that people have a short attention span, you need something short and sharp with a call to action that will make them want to click through to your website.  

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These are our key steps to effective digital marketing. In the days of social media and an online presence, digital marketing can make or break a business so it’s important to be on top of it. By implementing these 3 key tips, you can create an online presence that will capture people’s attention and turn potential customers, into paying customers.

To see how Connect Marketing Solutions can help you with all the above, please contact us on 0431-166-434 or complete the contact form, and we will be in contact within 4 hours.

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