5 Strategies To Improving your Customer Experience

Improving your customer experience is the best opportunity for businesses to boost their revenue and minimize customer churn. Creating a memorable experience can help to both maximise customer spending and increase chances of customer retention. It’s the perfect time, and businesses should start investing in enhancing their overall customer service to improve customer retention.

Consumers don’t always know that their shopping behaviours give a lot away about their personality and can give businesses a lot of insights. Targeted social ads, emails and posts can entice consumers to return to your site and even showcase products they were looking at previously. If done correctly, it can really drive engagement, retention and shares on different soaicl platforms.

Here are 5 strategies that can help you on your Customer Experience journey:

Understand Your Target Audience

The first thing you need to do is to check out your target audience and verify your customer market. Knowing your customers behaviour and past interections, will help youcreate tailored marketing campaigns. For example, if your website sells mobile phone accessories, Customer A comes to the site and is exploring iPhone cases. They spend 10minutes visiting mobile phone cases that have sports teams logos printed on and then leave. Armed with this knowledge, you can re-target them with emails and social media posts. It allows you to even offer discounts and vouchers if they come back to the site.

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Explore New Marketing Methods

We cant stress this enough but its so important to understand what your customers like/dislike and what makes them tick. There is nothing better than studying your data and creating tailored marketing campaigns. But don’t be afraid to explore different avenues of marketing if you feel that you are becoming a bit stagnant. Consumers are creatures-of-habit and are very loyal to brands that match their ethics and morals. Connect to them on an emotional level and create a brand that resonates with everyone.

Customer Service Training

This might sound basic, but there is no point in spending months creating this amazing brand, only for it to be let down by poor customer service. I don’t just mean the person who picks up the phone to deal with a stock enquiry, but it goes as far as complaint resolution, speed of response both over the phone, via email and online. Staff need to be correctly trained in their department and  cross skilled if required. As Warren Buffett once said……

It takes 20 years to build a reputation, and 5 minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently”.

Courtesy of Forbes.com

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Connect Emotionally with Your Customers

A phrase says, “It’s not what you say; it’s how you say it.” An amazing consumer experience is created when your staff connects with customers on a human level. The emotional connection impacts the buyer’s decision tremendously and also helps with customer retention.

Get Real-Time Feedback

Insightful and timely feedback, from customers, can help your brand tailor promotions, stock of items and help improve customer service. It is necessary to do outbound calls or drop a follow-up email to understand your customer’s thoughts and ultimately help to Improve your customer experience.

Call centre image representing good customer experience

Here at Connect Marketing Solutions, we can help you and your business achieve each one of these steps and can help you grow your business. Do not hesitiate to contact us on 0431-166-434 or complete the contact form below to see how we can help.

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